Thursday, June 10, 2010

An Adorable Alarm Clock

Just because I have an adorable alarm clock doesn't make it any easier to get up. When I was growing up my theory was that the cuter the alarm clock the easier it was to get up. Which led to things like hello kitty alarm clocks, disney princess alarm clocks and when I matured a little and when to college, the giant fluffy purple alarm clock. Well, now I have the cutest alarm clock:

Oliver has moved into his toddler bed and my alarm has been set for an early 7:45 wake up call ever since. I know that isn't very early but for my little boy who stayed in his crib until mom came rolling out of bed and finally retrieved him at 9, and hour and 15 min is a little hard to swallow.
In fact at this point it would be easier if he weren't cute. He's like a modern vampire, all cute then you let him into your house and just watch in horror as he turns into a monster. It's starts out cute, he crawls in bed, snuggles up, gives you a kiss. Then the tossing and turning begins, followed by the kicking, then the talking, then the actual requests and before you know it, I'm a monster too. Though usually just a grouchy tickle monster.