Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art

I woke up yesterday morning to a pounding on my door. I didn't know who would be knocking on my door that early and figured that it couldn't be anyone good. So I crawled out of bed and walked slowly down the stairs to my front door. A little worried about whatever would pop out at me. I found Sis. Rasband on my front steps asking if I would like to join her and her family at the picture book museum. Of course, I would love to. I got dressed super super quick and hopped in her car and we were off. Oliver screamed through most of the trip but that's just a normal thing now. The museum was amazing. We saw all of Eric Carle's pictures and the original "Pat the Bunny" Books. I really enjoyed seeing Pooh Bear and Piglet. It was a museum that was a lot of fun for me and Oliver. Oliver really had a good time with all the colors and the noise and all the children running around. I know because he was smiling.


J-Babe said...

His books are some of the best little kids books ever! Olliver is changing so much, he is so cute! Lucas used to scream in the car seat when he was little, I know how fun that is:( It does get better though:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I came back to look at your blog, Oliver is so cute, & i'm thinking those pj's are looking oftly familiar! Didn't we give you thosE? Well they make him looks so handsom

Unknown said...

Wait... where is this? I have never heard of it... how come all the "new" people are having all the fun? (still not Madi)

marathon runner said...

WOW oliver looks like a Williams! that little cute. I bet you guys are enjoying your time back East...LIVE IT UP!