Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Blacker Family Visit - Day 4

From Palmyra we drove to Sharon, VT to see the birthplace of Joseph Smith. There is an amazing story behind the monument and everyone should go look it up. The monument is beautiful especially placed against the autumn colors in Vermont. It was a good weekend to spend just learning about the life of Joseph Smith. It was amazing to put everything into perspective and I strongly recommend everyone should visit the church sites. You learn so much from just being there and seeing everything.Vermont hillside in the peak of autumn awesomeness.Blacker and Williams Family at the Joseph Smith birthplace.Joseph Smith Monument.Williams Family in front of Joseph Smith Monument. Dad, your picture won a spot on Blogger.Oliver likes to touch different textures. This is a very sweet photo of Oliver touching the statue of Joseph Smith's hand. Very precious and made me cry a little.Oliver and Opa Blacker. I think they look at lot alike. But I should have taken a picture of their toesies. They are exactly alike.


Ben said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! I love that area!