Thursday, February 11, 2010

New blog title

I've changed my blog title, not my address, that will remain the same. I've put a lot of thought into it and let me tell you why.

Do you remember when all of the sudden it became cool to be uncool? You know, when it became cool to listen to weird twangy indie music, to wear dorky plastic black glasses, to wear clothes that don't fit right, and to say awkward things at awkward moments. Oh yeah, I remember. It happened my senior year. I'd finally given up on trying to be cool and popular.
No one wants to admit that, but I will. I wanted to be cool, I wanted to be liked, I wanted to be beautiful, and I wanted to be considered popular.

But middle of Jr. year I gave up on that idea. I was not cool, I liked cartoons, pirates, and fantasy novels. I was liked but in the she's a nice girl, gets along with others type. I wasn't beautiful, I was awkward and teenagery, my hair was cut shorter on the left side. I sure as heck wasn't popular...
Then I came back my senior year and something changed. I know that this is all sounding very much like a good tween novel where I magically changed over the summer to come back and find that boys liked me and what-not but the truth is I didn't change, not an ounce. But the world changed and all the sudden my dorky black plastic glasses were fashionable and cartoons were awesome and entertaining, huh, who would have guessed?

What had really changed was I had never reached the level of maturiosity that most people do in their early high school years. So I was the weird one because I just wasn't on their level and then senior year they came back down and met with me in the middle and the I was acceptable.

Which brings me to my Maturiosity scale. (Inspired by my friend Shane, Who is always making awesome charts.)See we are on varying levels of Maturiosity and looking back through my blog posts I've come to realize that all of you are watching me grow in maturiosity. I don't know if I'm truly a misfit again or if I'm just in the wrong location for my particular brand of misfitness. See I'm in my early 20s. But I'm not still in college and I'm not still shirking responsibilities. In face I'm a 20 something living like a 30 yr. old. I have a husband, a child, a mortgage... While I'm still trying to mesh in funky ska music and wear my beat up plastic rim glasses.

I hope I didn't just weird anyone out with my awkwardness...


pms said...

Anyone raising a two year old with even mild success is mature in my book!

But your graph puts me at the very bottom of maturity, and I am not sure how I feel about that! :)

shaneshaneshane said...

excellent chart, indeed! and thanks for the shout out. :)