Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wordfull Wednesday - Unity in Marriage

This will be quick because I have to get back to James Bond but unity is very important. Right now in our little family it has become increasingly more important to make sure that we are consistent. It's been awful to watch our little baby start to twist things between us to get his way. He knows that Dad doesn't like to take his loveys when we go out but mom's a sucker and will let him sneak giraffe into the car.
The best way to stay united is through communication. We live in a time where we can constantly be in contact with our spouses and I am with mine. My husband has a pretty good grasp on what me and Ollie are up to because he gets constant facebook messages, text messages, photos, and he can get on my blog and read up on our activities. It has helped to have Bryan always support and know what is going on. He's fully aware of what is expected and how to deal with things.
Unity hard to break down and talk about because it is marriage. You are united in everything you do - forever. Your decisions will always affect your marriage. It's like plucking a string. When the string is short and the ends are close together if you pluck it then it's a small short ripple but the longer the string the bigger the waves from plucking it will be. No matter what plucks our string as long as we stay close together the effects won't be to big.


Lora said...

SO TRUE MY FRIEND! I've had to learn to let things go and I'm still learning that lesson. There are things that Matt does that drive me crazy, but if I nag it will only create tension. Letting go of silly things can go a long way. You guys are doing a great job at being consistant! Keep it up!

JRoberts said...

here from ww...

Communication is so key! Good point. Our 3 keep us on our toes with "testing" everynow and only gets different as they grow! :)

kjha said...

I am surprised when my husband reads my blog and he learns of stuff we have done...I just assume he knows everything :). Technology is helpful!

Montserrat said...

It is amazing how often we can keep in contact with our spouses throughout the day, something our parents and grandparents sure couldn't do!